Thanks for Your Payment of $75 for
our SoulCollage® Retreat
on Nov. 17, 2019
Please fill in this form to complete your registration,
so we can contact you with any updates.
We look forward to seeing you at the retreat.
12 E. Thomas St. Shelter Island
Thanks for Your Payment of $75 for
our SoulCollage® Retreat
on Nov. 17, 2019
Please fill in this form to complete your registration,
so we can contact you with any updates.
We look forward to seeing you at the retreat.
12 E. Thomas St. Shelter Island
Jeanne Marie Merkel
Empowering Individuals
to Navigate their Lives
with Boldness, Skill and Creative Vision
Certified Professional Coach
Retreat Facilitator
Reiki Healing
Rites of Passage

Sharing the Journey
Jeanne Marie Merkel, M.Div.
"Touch the mysterious whispering threads which bind the universe together."
John Matthews
​Can I say where my journey begins? It begins with the mysterious whispering threads that bind me to all the soul friends I have been privileged to walk with. It begins with the grace of Spirit’s presence permeating every moment of my being and becoming. It begins with the exquisite beauty of the sacred landscape, calling me home to my deepest self. My soul needs to be with others in the deep places in life -- those places of wonder and awe, of rooted strength, of silent joy and ecstatic dance, of pain and woundedness and healing -- the tender tough facing the darkness within and following the labyrinth of the Self till you come to its Center; the grace of finding your own rhythm within the rhythm of nature and of Being itself; the beauty of watching another Being unfold -- This is where I feel most alive.
In order to facilitate this work, I was blessed with the privilege of studying at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, where I received a Master of Divinity Degree in Psychology & Interfaith Studies. My focus was on Christian and Buddhist Contemplative Traditions, Earth Centered Spirituality, Jungian Psychology, the Spiritual Aspects of Trauma & Depression, Movement as Meditation, Peace Building and Social Justice, and the integration of spiritual practice, ritual, creativity, community and nature in healing.
The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree is one that usually prepares people for church ministry, but I felt called to minister outside of a church setting and outside the boundaries of any one faith tradition. I want to meet each person as a unique individual and help them live more authentically their own integral relationship with the Sacred. My training has prepared me to provide pastoral care and counseling, rites of passage (ceremonies to mark transitions) and spiritual leadership for communities of faith.
I also received Interfaith chaplaincy training in a New York City hospital, hospice training from East End Hospice, and completed an intensive Mind-Body Medicine Professional Training with the Center for Mind-Body Medicine. I became a SoulCollage® facilitator in 2004, studying with the founder, Seena Frost. I have assisted Anne Marie Bennett in training over 300 SoulCollage® facilitators. SoulCollage® is an innovative art process, working with collage as a means of spiritual growth and guidance.
I completed my training as a Certified Life and Transition Coach with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) in August 2018. (See more in About Me.)
I have continued my coach training with WBECS "Foundations of Great Coaching" Course, Internal Family Systems for Coaches, Coaches Rising Trainings and Summits, studies in Trauma-Informed Coaching, and have studied with Thomas Huebl in the area of Healing Collective Trauma.
In October of 2017, I became a Reiki Master, studying with Libby Barnett at Kripalu Institute. My focus is on Emotional and Spiritual healing, and I may also weave Peruvian healing techniques, ritual, ceremony and gratitude practices into our work together.
My spiritual practice has been deeply imprinted by my life-long relationship with the natural world. Nature has much to teach us about the cycles of change and transformation. I have been integrating the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel teachings of the Seneca into my every day life for over 20 years: I begin my day in sacred ceremonial space, honoring the 7 directions, listening for guidance and committing myself to service. My practice has been enriched by the wisdom of many traditions and cultures. I believe that the respectful cross-pollination of spiritual traditions is vital in bringing us together as earth inhabitants to face our common challenges.
I began my training in Cross-Cultural Shamanism in 2004, with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies' foundational course, taught by David Corbin and Nan Moss. I completed a one year training program in shamanic healing and indigenous life ways with Cathy Pedevillano in November of 2007. In January of 2008, I had the delight of being introduced to the Indigenous traditions of Peru which was like a homecoming for me. In June 2008, had the privilege of studying for 2 weeks with elders of the Q'eros nation in Peru, receiving training and initiation in their healing traditions and participating in earth-honoring ceremony together at sacred sites in the Andes. I have also undertaken two Vision Quests: One in the Green Mountains of Vermont and the other at Mullaghmore in Ireland (picture above).
I have been actively engaged in spiritual communities since 1975, volunteering in many roles, including: religious education, public speaking, designing worship services and retreats, singing, teaching contemplative movement and folk dance, community service and developing conscious collaboration within and between organizations. I have spent the past 20 years providing workshops and spiritual counseling through two local organizations which I founded: Anam Cara Center in Southold and Mattituck (2003-2011) and Wellspring Community Support Services, LLC. (2011-2023).
In addition to my spiritual background, I have worked for 25 years in all aspects of Public Library work: Administration, Finance, Personnel Management, Book ordering, Customer Service, and Program Development. And I began my professional life working in Early Childhood Education, caring for 60 children in my family's business in Riverhead. This has given me a broad base of practical skills, that bring me down-to-earth in working with clients.
I am the mother of 3 grown daughters and am a passionate grandmother of 3 delightful souls, and a great grandmother at age 62! I take special delight in nurturing mothers, couples, and families. I live a contemplative lifestyle of voluntary simplicity, and the Spirit-filled joy of song and dance, nature and community. I also do volunteer pastoral care with women who are in recovery from domestic & sexual abuse, trauma and miscarriage.
I look forward to unfolding new ways of nurturing beloved sacred community here on the beautiful East End of Long Island, and where ever I am invited to speak or present workshops.
I look forward to meeting you! Always feel free to call or write and introduce yourself to me. I consider it a deep privilege to be able to call so many of you my soul friends!
Background Photo: Lough Inagh in Connemara, Ireland © 2004 Jeanne Marie Merkel
Top Photo: Jeanne Marie at Mullaghmore, the Sacred Vision Quest Mountain in County Claire, Ireland
In the News... Article on Jeanne's Program on Celtic Spirituality